It all starts here
Fetch Meet & Greet
While we strongly believe that there is no such thing as a bad breed or a bad dog, not every dog is suited for our off-leash, open-play environment. We take our doggie guests’ health and safety very seriously, so each of our guests must first complete a thorough Meet & Greet to ensure that they are a good fit for daycare.
For the Meet & Greet, please arrive with your dog on a leash or slip lead with a collar/harness both in the parking lot and upon entry into the lobby. The evaluation process with your dog will take approximately 15-20 minutes with our trained evaluator. During this time, we would love to get to know you and address any questions you may have.

If a dog has not attended daycare for a period of 30 days, please contact us at (204) 515-4093 as reassessment may be required.
What to expect
You will be greeted by one of our staff and the Meet & Greet is conducted on-site by one of our trained professionals. It includes the following steps:
It begins with an overview of paperwork, history and health with the pet parent
Once complete, your pup joins our team member in an evaluation room to observe how they react when away from their dog mom or dog dad
During the evaluation, we conduct a nose to tail assessment to identify sensitivities in touch that your dog may have. If a dog is sensitive to touch in one area, this is not necessarily an issue, but it is important for their comfort that our team is aware of it
We then bring a few additional dogs into the controlled mini play area one at a time to assess your pup’s comfort level. Our team member observes how they interact with the other dogs to assess their comfort with an open play environment
Our team member will then share what they learned with the pet parent. If for some reason the dog is not yet ready for open play, we will recommend steps the pet parent can take to help address the observed concern(s). Any dog that is not yet comfortable is always welcome back once they are ready to join the playroom.
The process is very easy and there is nothing to be nervous about. We look forward to getting to know your pup better!
What to bring
Your dog(s) on a leash with a collar or harness upon entry.
We appreciate you completing your online registration prior to your visit. If you have not uploaded your vaccination records, please bring them with you or your daycare is happy to contact your veterinarian on your behalf!

Daycare Guest Guidelines
We do not turn away dogs based on breed. To ensure the safety of all our guests, we require all dogs staying with us for daycare or overnight boarding meet the following criteria:
Dogs must first undergo a Meet & Greet with our Fetch team.
All dogs must be at least 12 weeks of age or older, and fully vaccinated.
All dogs 9 months or older must be spayed or neutered. Depending on development, sooner alteration may be required by our facility.
All dogs must have up-to-date vaccinations. Pet parents must submit written proof of Rabies, Parvo-Distemper and Bordetella vaccinations. Dogs who have received the Bordetella vacination must wait a minimum of 8 days before a meet & greet, daycare or boarding stay.
All dogs must be in good health. Pet parents will certify that their dog(s) are in good health and have not been ill with a communicable condition within the last 30 days.
Upon admission, all dogs must be free of any condition that could potentially jeopardize other guests, including fleas or ticks. Dogs that have been ill with a communicable condition in the last 30 days will require veterinarian certification of health to be admitted or readmitted.
All dogs must be non-aggressive and not food or toy-protective. Pet parents will certify their dogs have not harmed or shown any aggressive or threatening behavior toward any person or dog. The safety and health of all of our guests is our top priority.
All dogs must have a complete, up-to-date, and approved application on file to attend daycare or board with us. It is also strongly recommended that a dog attend at least one day of daycare (preferably three) prior to boarding. This will help us get to know your dog’s personality and preference, and allow your dog to know he/she is going home, get to know staff and other dogs and ensure they are comfortable in our open-play environment.
Because dogs are a really big deal to us, evaluation day at Fetch is fun for the whole family – consider it an introduction to our open-play environment, perfectly suited for your pup’s fitness and social life. In fact, don’t be surprised if your furry child meets his or her BFFF (Best Furry Friend Forever) while they are here!
Vaccination requirements
Vaccine protection against highly contagious and potentially deadly viruses and bacteria will mean less risks of dogs getting sick. If all dogs who are playing together are current on their vaccines, then you can be assured that your pup will be playing with fully vaccinated friends. Fetch requires all dogs to be up-to-date on the following vaccinations:
Bordetella (optional but recommended)